Friday, May 8, 2009

Caring for Your Horses

If you are thinking about getting a horse, it is important to know that they, like any other living thing, will need a great deal of care. Owning andcaring for horses is not as simple as turning them loose in a pasture. In fact, much of their care can be more involved and more time-consuming than the care of a smaller animal. There are great rewards to owning a horse, and making the purchase can be a happy decision, but it is important to understand what is involved in caring for a horse.

* Housing and exercise area. All your horses will need plenty of room to roam and graze a safe shelter to sleep in or to escape the weather in, constant fresh water and more. Make absolutely sure before you purchase a horse that you have the room and proper shelter for it. A horse cannot live in your backyard. They will need plenty of free space to roam. You will need to prepare the area with a source of fresh water and sturdy shelter or stable. You will also need to comb the area for dangerous debris, like pieces of metal that could injure your horse. And, you will also need to remove any poisonous plants like Hemlock. If you do not have room on your own property, you will need to rent a paddock, so you will need to do research to find the right place at the right price and location.
* Veterinarian and Farrier. You will need to find a good large animal vet who can come to your location and give the horse a physical. The animal will also need routine shots. You will want to find a vet that you feel comfortable with since you will need to be able to call them in the event that the horse falls ill. You will also need a farrier who can trim the horse’s hooves about every seven weeks (they will keep growing) and shoe the horse, removing any damaging rocks or debris.
* Food, play and more. You will need to make sure your horses get a balanced diet, mainly based on your veterinarian’s recommendation. Though they will graze, they will also need hay, oats or grains as a supplement. You will need to make sure you have the time to spend with your horse. They need attention just as any animal. And, finally, make sure you have proper equipment for their care: brushes, halters, leads, bridles and saddles.

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